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The Cosgrave Company is proud to offer Slabbinck</a>, the premier maker of the highest quality of ecclesiastical apparel available. Family owned and operated since 1903, in the beautiful city of Bruges, Belgium. Slabbinck opperates in service of the liturgy and are creative with high respect to the tradition. They also focus on Pope Frances' philosophy of humility and temperance, while remembering that liturgy should also be beautiful. Beauty has the ability to seize our hearts and transform us from within. Liturgy is the perfect place to be touched by beauty and to be transformed in and through prayer. Made in Belgium. Please click on our full Wholesale Catalog for more products to choose from. If you don't see what you are looking for please contact us TOLL FREE 800-228-9785 or info@cosgraves.net.</p> Slabbinck</a>